


Der Celebdil, auch Silberzinne (Original: Silvertine) und Zirak-zigil (kurz: Zirak) genannt, ist ein Berg im Nebelgebirge. Der Celebdil ist, neben Caradhras und Fanuidhol, einer der drei Berge über Khazad-dûm.

Tief im Inneren des Berges begann die Endlose Treppe, die sich hinaufwand bis kurz unterhalb des Gipfels und dort über Durins Turm ins Freie führte. Hier kämpfte Gandalf am 23. Januar 3019 D.Z. gegen den Balrog von Moria (auch Durins Fluch genannt), und besiegte ihn am 25. Januar 3019 D.Z..

Bekanntlich hat sich Tolkiens Wanderung durch die Schweizer Alpen, im Sommer 1911, in mannigfaltiger Weise in seinen Beschreibungen des Nebelgebirges niedergeschlagen. Das direkte Vorbild für den Celebdil war die eindrucksvolle, weiße Gipfelpyramide des Silberhorns, eines Nebengipfels der Jungfrau, wie Tolkien später in einem Brief an seinen Sohn Michael erläuterte:

Der Name Celebdil ist Sindarin und bedeutet Silberspitze


Der Name Zirak-zigil ist Khuzdul und hat vermutlich ähnliche Bedeutung (zigil Silber, zirak wohl hoch, auch im Sinne von Höhe, Spitze, Gipfel).

J. R. R. Tolkien: Der Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Türme (Buch).

J. R. R. Tolkien Briefe. Herausgegeben von Humphrey Carpenter.

Karen Wynn Fonstad: Historischer Atlas von Mittelerde, Übersetzer: Hans J. Schütz



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Der Celebdil, auch Silberzinne (Original Silvertine) und Zirak-zigil (kurz: Zirak) genannt, ist im Legendarium ein Berg im Nebelgebirge. Der Celebdil ist, neben Caradhras und Fanuidhol, einer der drei Berge über Khazad-dûm.

Tief im Inneren des Berges begann die Endlose Treppe, die sich hinaufwand bis kurz unterhalb des Gipfels und dort in Durins Turm ins Freie führte. Hierhin verfolgte Gandalf am 23. Januar 3019 D. Z. den Balrog von Moria, kämpfte auf dem Gipfel mit ihm und besiegte ihn am 25. Januar 3019 D. Z..

Bekanntlich hat Tolkiens Wanderung durch die Schweizer Alpen im Sommer 1911 sich in mannigfaltiger Weise in seinen Beschreibungen des Nebelgebirges niedergeschlagen. Das direkte Vorbild für den Celebdil war die eindrucksvolle, weiße Gipfelpyramide des Silberhorns, eines Nebengipfels der Jungfrau, wie Tolkien später in einem Brief an seinen Sohn Michael erläuterte:

— J. R. R. Tolkien: The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien. Nr. 306

Übersetzung: Wolfgang Krege, J. R. R. Tolkien: Briefe. Nr. 306

Der Name Celebdil ist Sindarin und bedeutet ‚Silberspitze‘.

Der Name Zirak-zigil ist Khuzdul und hat vermutlich eine ähnliche Bedeutung (zigil ‚Silber‘, zirak wohl ‚hoch‘, auch im Sinne von ‚Höhe‘, ‚Spitze‘, ‚Gipfel‘).

J. R. R. Tolkien: Der Herr der Ringe.

J. R. R. Tolkien: Briefe. Herausgegeben von Humphrey Carpenter.

zigil is a word in Khuzdul, occuring as an element in Zirakzigil, the Dwarves’ name for the mountain called Celebdil or Silvertine by other races, and in Zigil-nâd, a rejected Dwarvish name for Kibil-nâla, the river known to the Elves as Celebrant and to Men as the Silverlode.

Zigil therefore evidently means ‘silver’.


Action: Exhaust Zigil Miner and name a number to discard the top 2 cards of your deck. If at least one of those cards has cost equal to the named number, choose a hero you control. For each card that matches the named number, add 1 resource to that hero’s resource pool.

Khazad-dûm #9.

Before the eratta: broken After the errata: probably still broken. Zigil Miner’s ability is the driving force of some decks, a very powerful card in many, and a reasonable excuse to include him in almost all. I have however included him in decks for the sole purpose of being a good, cheap dwarf to quest with.
Good archetypes to use with are:
Dwarf Mining
any deck with Imladris Stargazer (not really an archetype)

Original ThronesDB and NetrunnerDB code designed and built by Alsciende.
Adapted to The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game by Sydtrack. Contact:


RingsDB card images and data kindly supplied by Hall of Beorn.

Please post bug reports and feature requests on GitHub.

The information presented on this site about The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Fantasy Flight Games.
This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Fantasy Flight Games.

Kh. zigil adj. “silver (colour)”

References ✧ PE17/36; PM/279; TI/174-175







Element In

This is an idea I’ve had for a while, and in fact I did it for the first time quite some time ago when I built a joke deck using all three regular versions of Aragorn. I’ve always intended to revisit the basic concept though, and this seemed a good time for it.
The basic concept is to examine some of the rules in the game by looking at what would happen if they weren’t there. In this case I’ll be disregarding the errata to the Zigil Miner to see how ridiculous the release version was (I got into the game around the start of the Ring-maker cycle, so I’ve never played with the original pre-errata Zigil Miner before, which is another reason I wanted to do this, just to satisfy my own curiosity). That’s why I feel this is timely – with the most recent FAQ fresh in everyone’s minds it’s interesting to go back and take a look at some older and less controversial errata.

So, the Zigil Miner errata. For those who don’t remember or never knew the original Zigil Miner, the mechanic of exhausting him to discard the top two cards of your deck and name a number has remained the same, but the difference is that while since the errata you gain 1 resource for each card whose cost matches the number you said, originally you gained resources equal to that number if either was a match.

It’s pretty obvious without needing to try it out why this needed an errata. Zigil Miner + Imladris Stargazer is a potent resource generation engine even now, and it was way more powerful before the errata. Too powerful to be allowed. This will probably be a common trend as I continue this series – the reason why a certain rule exists is obvious and doesn’t really need to be explored at any greater length, but then that’s only part of why I’m doing this, the other part being curiosity and just some silly fun. In the case of ignoring errata it may also be interesting for players like me who never played with the pre-errata versions to get an idea of what they were like.

Now my initial idea for this was to build a deck specifically to show off the awesome potential power of the pre-errata Zigil Miner, with the one question then arising being what precisely I would spend all those resources on once I’d discarded half my deck. While musing on this question I realised that I already had the perfect deck ready to go since I originally built it with the idea of focusing on the power of regular post-errata Ziggy: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stargazer and the Miners from Moria. So following a quick deck update to include Dwarf Pipes and a few more recent allies I’m ready to show off the ridiculousness: https://youtu.be/2-eUU8Be7Pk

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